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An individualized service that assists persons in setting goals and gaining access to resources that foster independence and stability. We assist children, adolescents, and adults in a variety of settings, including the community, office, and school.

Adult Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment Services (ACPST)

Adult Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment(ACPST) services are designed to help mental health consumers cope with symptoms. Services involve providing assistance and advocacy to consumers to locate safe and affordable housing, obtain benefits through Job and Family Services and Social Security, and to seek employment, job training, or volunteer work.

  • ACPST workers also link consumers to additional resources such as food pantries, rent and utility assistance, clothing banks, and transportation options.
  • ACPST workers are trained to provide education and skills-training such as budgeting, hygiene, and other daily living skills such as shopping within a budget, how to manage household tasks, schedule needed appointments, and how to best meet needs as independently as possible. Additional skills taught include coping skills, anger management, relaxation, and other ways to better cope with their mental illness. Consumers and families receive education and support regarding mental illness and treatment options, including medication management and counseling, as well as different placement options to best meet the level of care needed by the consumer. The
  • The goal of ACPST is to assist consumers in becoming as independent as possible.

Child Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment

Child Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment (CCPST) services are designed to provide assistance, advocacy, education and support to children that are diagnosed with a mental health issue.

  • Community Support Workers help children develop appropriate coping and social skills to enable them to function well at school, at home and in the community. We also provide families with education related to the child's mental health issues and work cooperatively with parents and caregivers.
  • We work in a variety of settings including home, schools and the juvenile justice system.
  • Ashtabula VSC
    Ashtabula VSC

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