Provides individual and group treatment to support recovery. Specialized treatment programs are offered that assist men and women who are incarcerated, on probation, and for women with child(ren) struggling with opioid use.
The Addiction and Recovery Services Program provides services to adolescent’s ages 12 to 18 and adults/seniors who are suffering with an addiction and/or have a mental health diagnosis. We provide individual, family and couples counseling and as a part of treatment. One may also participate in weekly groups to obtain additional support.
In addition, we provide Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment Services for those involved in the legal system, and those who are struggling with Social Security, Housing and Unemployment issues, to name a few. See Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment Description for more information. Anyone who feels they may be suffering from an addiction may call for more information, or schedule and evaluation.
The Addiction and Recovery Services Program is available to all residents of Ashtabula County. All referrals to the program will be considered and evaluated. The program works together with the legal system and coordinates services for those individuals in need of legal compliance. Services are confidential within the guidelines established by the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug addiction Services and HIPAA regulations. The Addiction and Recovery Services offers the following services to adolescents ages 12 to 18, and adults/seniors:
1. Assessment and Evaluation: Every new client will be provided with a complete initial assessment, as well as a chemical dependency screening. A Level of Care will be established at the first appointment time.
2. Individual and Family Therapy: Following the initial assessment, the client will be assigned to a clinician for either individual or family counseling, or both when appropriate. The clinician and the client will work cooperatively in formulating a treatment plan designed to meet the individual needs of the client.
3. Group Counseling: As part of their treatment program, the client will participate in groups which are conducted by a clinician and a facilitator. These groups will be offered weekly and are a vital and mandatory part of the program.
4. Community Support: For clients who have special needs, or difficulties navigating systems or resources that they need to function well in the community, a Community Support Worker will be assigned. Consumers will receive assistance accessing available resources, learning budgeting, hygiene, and other
necessary skills to enhance functioning.
5. Pharmacological Management: When clinically necessary, a referral will be made to the psychiatrist for an evaluation to determine if the individual can
benefit from medication. If so, the psychiatrist will prescribe medication and monitor its effects, as well as side effects and effectiveness.
6. Information and Referral: On occasion there will be situations when the client does not meet the criteria for the program, but still needs some services. At that
time, the client will be referred to another program within the agency or to an outside agency that can better meet the needs of the client.
7. Crisis Intervention: Community Counseling offers emergency services for mental health and addiction and recovery. Crisis appointments are available as
needed, and can be accessed by calling 440-998-4210 or 1-800-998-4210. Trained professionals will assist consumers in identifying the least restrictive form
of treatment for their clinical presentation.
8. The Maternal Opiate Medical Supports (MOMS) Program at Community Counseling Center is designed to meet the needs of women with a history of an Opioid Use Disorder or a Stimulant Use Disorder who are either pregnant or have an infant up to the age of one. We are able to provide specialized care and assist with resources in order to help both the mothers and children stay safe, happy, and healthy.
9. Recovery Housing: In addition to the above-outlined services, we operate the Light House, which is a Level 2 Recovery Home located in Geneva, Ohio. This sober living setting provides women with a history of an Opioid Use Disorder or Stimulant Use Disorder (and their minor children) a safe and supportive place to live while establishing the foundation of their recovery journey.